Get to Know us
Who We are
We are delighted to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you as you visit our online home. We are a friendly group of individuals, from different backgrounds and at different stages of life, who have experienced God’s work as a beautiful tapestry woven with guidance, growth, and grace. At Bethersden Baptist Church, we believe in the transformative power of faith, hope, and love, and we are dedicated to creating a Christ-centered church where every individual can experience the grace and joy of God’s presence. Whether you are a long-time believer, a seeker on a spiritual journey, or simply curious about exploring the teachings of Christ, our doors are open wide, and our hearts are ready to embrace you.

What we believe
At the core of our Christian belief is our unwavering faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord. We believe that through His life, teachings, death, and resurrection, God has provided a path for you and me to have eternal life and a restored relationship with God.
We believe that God sent His Son, Jesus, as an outpouring of love for the world. Jesus lived a perfect life and died as a sacrifice in place for all who, although having fallen far short of God’s standards (sinned), will seek God’s forgiveness and place their faith in Jesus.
Although we deserve punishment for all the things we have done, said and thought which are wrong, instead God chose to save people, not because we deserve it, but all because of His loving grace. God’s grace is an extraordinary gift that shows us His unconditional love and forgiveness. It’s a free and unearned gift that brings us into a relationship with God, no matter our mistakes or shortcomings.

Our Aims
The aims of Bethersden Baptist Church is to create a welcoming space where people can encounter God’s love, to grow together in faith and understanding, and to spread the message of Christ’s teachings to our community and beyond. Through worship, fellowship, and service, we seek to deepen our connection with God and each other, nurturing a supportive and caring family. Together, we strive to make a positive impact by sharing God’s transformative love with others and contributing to the betterment of our community.